This is a more in-depth guide than what is provided within the Quick Start section of this project’s ReadMe file. Commands within this guide do not require sudo or administrative permissions, and this project is designed to run entirely within an unprivileged account.

Clone Project

  1. Make a directory path for git-utilities repositories

  2. Change the shell session’s current working directory

  3. Clone the source code of this repository

mkdir -vp ~/git/hub/git-utilities

cd ~/git/hub/git-utilities

Change Current Working Directory

cd ~/git/hub/git-utilities/fix_logs
ls -1 *.py

Above lists available Python scripts within the current working directory, and bellow is example output…

Install PIP Dependencies

  • Option one
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  • Option two
pip3 install --user pipenv

pipenv install -r requirements.txt

Review and/or Edit Configuration File

  • Reviewing text files may be done with more or less command-line utilities
more config.json
  • Editing text files from the command-line is possible with nano, pico, vim, etc…
vim config.json

Note, :wq may be used to write and quit vim from command mode, and :q! may be used to discard changes while quitting.

Hint, search for vim cheat sheet to find various Gists and web sites that contain useful Vim tips.

Example config.json file

  "fixed": "./fixed.json",
  "failed": "./failed.json",
  "defaults": {
    "origin_branch": "master",
    "origin_remote": "origin",
    "source_branch": "master",
    "source_remote": "source",
    "fix_branch": "fix",
    "fix_commit": "Fixes logs",
    "keep_fix_branch": false,
    "no_push": false
  "repos": [
      "dir": "~/git/hub/llSourcell/Bitcoin_Trading_Bot",
      "source": ""
  • fixed key defines a file path to log repositories that where successfully fixed

  • failed key defines a file path to log repositories that generated errors or merge conflicts while attempting fixes

Note, both fixed and failed files are overwritten during the logging process

  • defaults key defines a dictionary of configurations that each repository defined by reops will be merged with, individual configurations within repos may overwrite these

    • origin_branch Git branch name to merge source source_branch with
    • origin_remote Git remote name to push changes to
    • source_branch Git branch name to inject into origin_branch
    • source_remote Git remote name to fetch log corrections from
    • fix_branch Git branch name for triaging possible merge conflicts
    • fix_commit Git commit message for successful automatic merges
    • keep_fix_branch If true skips deleting fix_branch after merge
    • no_push If true skips attempting to push to origin_remote after merge
    • merge_strategy Git merge strategy to use, check git help merge | less -p "-X <option>"

Note, merge_strategy does not need to be defined unless special merge strategies are desired

  • repos Lists dictionaries of repository data that needs fixed

    • dir Local directory path to repository
    • source Remote URL to fetch source_branch from source_remote

Note, Any defaults may be modified per-repository…

Example config.json file

  "fixed": "./fixed.json",
  "failed": "./failed.json",
  "defaults": {
    "origin_branch": "master",
    "origin_remote": "origin",
    "source_branch": "master",
    "source_remote": "source",
    "fix_branch": "fix",
    "fix_commit": "Fixes logs",
    "keep_fix_branch": false,
    "no_push": false
  "repos": [
      "dir": "~/git/hub/llSourcell/Bitcoin_Trading_Bot",
      "source": ""
      "dir": "~/git/hub/llSourcell/How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo",
      "source": "",
      "fix_branch": "fix_logs",
      "fix_commit": "Fixes logs from original author",
      "keep_fix_branch": true,
      "no_push": true

… which allows for repositories such as How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo, to keep_fix_branch as well as modify other defaults

Fix Logs Help

  • Option one, if dependencies were installed to an account or system wide
./ --help
  • Option two, if dependencies were installed to a virtual environment
pipenv run python3 --help

Example Help Output

usage: [-h] [--about] [--config CONFIG]
                   [--merge_strategy MERGE_STRATEGY]
                   [--origin_branch ORIGIN_BRANCH]
                   [--origin_remote ORIGIN_REMOTE]
                   [--source_branch SOURCE_BRANCH]
                   [--source_remote SOURCE_REMOTE] [--fix_branch FIX_BRANCH]
                   [--fix_commit FIX_COMMIT] [--no_push] [--keep_fix_branch]
                   [--license] [--verbose]

Simple Python script that attempts to fix git logs/history en-mass

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --about               Prints info about this script and exits
  --config CONFIG       Path to config.json file
  --merge_strategy MERGE_STRATEGY
                        Git merge strategy to use, check `git help merge |
                        less -p "-X <option>"`
  --origin_branch ORIGIN_BRANCH
                        Git branch name to merge source `source_branch` with
  --origin_remote ORIGIN_REMOTE
                        Git remote name to push changes to
  --source_branch SOURCE_BRANCH
                        Git branch to _inject_ into `origin_branch`
  --source_remote SOURCE_REMOTE
                        Git remote name to fetch log corrections from
  --fix_branch FIX_BRANCH
                        Git branch name for triaging possible merge conflicts
  --fix_commit FIX_COMMIT
                        Git commit message for successful automatic merges
  --no_push             Skips attempting to push to `origin_remote` after
  --keep_fix_branch     Skips deleting `fix_branch` after merge
  --license             Prints script license and exits
  --verbose             Prints command standard out if set

Run Fix Logs

  • Option one, if dependencies were installed to an account or system wide
  • Option two, if dependencies were installed to a virtual environment
pipenv run python3

Example fixed.json

"fixed": [
    "name": "Bitcoin_Trading_Bot",
    "dir": "~/git/hub/llSourcell/Bitcoin_Trading_Bot",
    "source": "",
    "code": 0,
    "err": "",
    "out": "Finished fixing ~/git/hub/llSourcell/Bitcoin_Trading_Bot",
    "origin_branch": "master",
    "origin_remote": "origin",
    "source_branch": "master",
    "source_remote": "source",
    "fix_branch": "fix",
    "fix_commit": "Fixes logs",
    "keep_fix_branch": false,
    "no_push": false

Double-checking those that are logged as fixed is likely a good idea…

cd ~/git/hub/llSourcell/Bitcoin_Trading_Bot

git log

ls -ahl ./

… for the most part should have missing files and logs restored.

Use Git to remove any files that are not required within the current branch, eg…

git rm some_file.ext

git commit -m ':fire: removes some_file.ext'

git push origin master

… because this allows contributors to restore files if/when needed in the future.

Example failed.json

"failed": [
    "name": "How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo",
    "dir": "~/git/hub/llSourcell/How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo",
    "source": "",
    "message": "How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo cannot fetch `source_remote` or `source_branch`",
    "code": 1,
    "err": "Permission denied (publickey).\nfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly",
    "out": "",
    "origin_branch": "master",
    "origin_remote": "origin",
    "source_branch": "master",
    "source_remote": "source",
    "fix_branch": "fix_logs",
    "fix_commit": "Fixes logs from original author",
    "keep_fix_branch": true,
    "no_push": true

Inspect the err and message values for why a repository was unable to be fixed automatically.

Common causes of failure;

  • Permission denied (publickey); check GitHub help documentation for suggestions.

  • Network timeout; may be because of rate-limiting, try again after an hour or two.

Note, aborting previous merge attempts may be necessary…

cd ~/git/hub/llSourcell/How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo

git merge --abort

git checkout master

git branch -D fix

… to prevent the script from generating new errors.

  • Merge conflicts; often git mergetool is the easiest course of action…
cd ~/git/hub/llSourcell/How-to-Predict-Stock-Prices-Easily-Demo

git mergetool

git commit -m 'Resolves conflicts merging `source` into `master`'

git checkout master

git merge fix_logs

git push origin master

… In the future the script may be of use to hasten the above process.

Open an Issue

To expedite assistance when opening a new Issue please include any relevant logs along with links to public repositories…

    Repositories cannot be automatically fixed;

    - `origin` [Some-Repo]( <- `source` [Some-Repo](

    - `origin` [anotherRepo]( <- `source` [Some-Repo](


    "failed": [